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A tip from Jerry Seinfeld, a life hack!

I found an interesting blog yesterday from lifehacker.com and knew I had to share it with everyone.  If you have a chance, read the whole article, but for now I will summarize. Your probably wondering what Jerry Seinfeld has to do with becoming a healthier person, but the tip he shares is extremely effective…read on! [...]

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Why you need to start taking advantage of coconut oil! It’s AMAZING!

Coconut oil might well be one of the most versatile supplements out there and most are unaware of its powerful benefits!  Coconut oil consists mostly of MCT’s, medium chain triglycerides(or saturated fats). MCTs are small enough and easily burned up by the liver for energy, and the best part do not spike your insulin levels. [...]

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What is the single best thing we can do for our health? and why sitting is bad!

I found this video by Dr Mike Evans and thought I would share it with you guys.   Check it out…enough said! I also have included a interesting diagram that solidifies our post yesterday about sitting on the job. GET UP AND MOVE!! Via: MedicalBillingandCoding.org

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Exercise at the office! Average AMERICAN sits 11 hours a day!

How many of you spend most of your day sitting, whether its at your desk, on the couch or in the car?  The average American spends 11 hours a day, 5 days a week SITTING! Just think about an average day.  It may look something like this…Wake up, eat breakfast, drive to work, sit at [...]

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