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Exercise the Safe Way! Here are some Pointers!

If you are starting out on an exercise routine, the first thing that you want to be aware of is SAFETY! Exercising is so important but it can be very dangerous and damaging if it is done incorrectly. While exercising there are techniques that need to be followed in order to keep yourself safe and receive the best possible results.

Don’t allow your knees to go past the toes. While doing an exercise like the squat or even when you are on a machine like the leg press it is important that you do not allow your knees to bend past the tip your toes. Why? This puts too much pressure on your knees. In order to do this safely you either need to move your feet forward (if you are on the leg press) or you need to push your hips back (when you are doing a squat). Keep your weight on your heels. Drive your energy through the heels so that you trigger the proper muscle groups: glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps.

Avoid hyperextension. If you are doing an exercise like the chest press, or on a machine like the leg curl and you find yourself hyperextending your back in order to accomplish the repetition then you may be using too much weight. Hyperextending your back over time may be permanently damaging to your low back. There are exercises, involving hyperextension, that you can do that will strengthen your low back that is highly recommended but keeping proper form during certain exercises by not hyperextending your back will allow you to use the proper muscles for resistance training.

Progress slowly. If you have not worked out in weeks, months, or years it is advised that you start with a light weight. If you haven’t worked out in a while and you walk into a fitness facility thinking you can deadlift the same weight you did back when exercise was an everyday activity for you, you are at high risk for injury! Start slow and light, the point is to build your strength not strain your muscles causing permanent damage.

These are just a few tips on how to get started. If you are unsure about your form or progression do not be afraid to ask a fitness professional. We are here to educate you and safety is our first priority. We will closely watch your form, and build you an exercise program that will allow you to reach the goals you desire.

Toni Davis, ACSM, PFT

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