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Archive for the ‘ALL’ Category

Fat Dissolving and Muscle Building Supplements

Multi-Vitamin: The basis for energy production, a strong immune system and general well-being.  A high quality multi vitamin and mineral will help protect you from dietary deficiencies. Example; Weil Daily Multivitamin for Optimum Health Chromium Polynicotinate: A complex of chromium and niacin that 1). helps control blood sugar fluctuations, a deterrent against erratic energy and [...]

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12 Good Reasons Why You May Need Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation

1. POOR DIGESTION: Even when food consumption is good, inefficient digestion can limit your bodies ability to absorb vitamins. Take your time and chew, making sure to break down food particles allowing for complete action of your stomachs digestive enzymes. Think about your stomach when eating! 2. ALCOHOL: A large consumption of alcohol will damage [...]

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9 Calorie Cutting Tips

Some Tips for You! Limit calorie containing drinks: the average American drinks 245 calories in soda every day, thats nearly 90,000 calories a year.  Instead add zero calorie flavor packets to water. Dress in Blue: there is a reason why fast food restaurants are not decorated in blue. Studies show blue acts as a natural [...]

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Beginners Guide to Balancing Your Meals

3 Easy Rules to Follow Rule #1: 3 meals & 3 snacks Our first priority is putting our metabolism back to work. We can accomplish this with 3 proportionate meals through out the day, and in between each meal a snack is recommended. No more going 5-6 hours without anything to eat. You might think [...]

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How to Perform a Single Leg Stability Ball Glute Raise

This exercise is an awesome beginner/intermediate movement that will target the hamstring and glute muscles. Perform one leg at a time and increase the difficulty. Tone the backside and build single leg strength. Make sure your STB is well inflated and keep core engaged to help stabilize the movement. Start out with 3 sets of [...]

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