Passive stretching (relaxed stretching) A form of stretching where you will assume a position and hold it(usually 20-30 seconds) with the help of another part of your body or with outside assistance. Example; if you were to raise your leg and hold with your arms.
Never stretch cold: You know the Laffy Taffy candies? What happens when you put it in the refrigerator/freezer for a couple minutes and then try to bent it, it breaks! That’s similar to how your muscles react when your cold(without warmup) or haven’t increased your internal body temperature with physical activity. Now let the laffy taffy sit out for a couple minutes and warm up. Try and bend it now, it bends with ease. Just be safe and stretch after your workout, not before. Stretching is for increasing flexibility not warming up. Instead jump on a treadmill or do some jumping jacks for a couple minutes to warm up.