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Example Muscle Meal Plan for a 200 LB. Man

Meal Plan for a 200 LB Man

This example meal plan is designed for a 200 LB. man(or looking to achieve this weight).  If you are serious about your training and want to gain muscle and increase strength all while losing fat, you must look at your food as a means to an end.  Its about achieving success and to do so, the body needs about 5-6 small meals evenly dispersed through out the day.  This meal plan will ignite your metabolism and promote muscle growth.  Follow our 10 lb Muscle Gain Workout.


Meal #1: 8 egg whites, 2 whole eggs and 1 cup oatmeal (take a multivitamin to meet all your requirements early)

Meal #2: Ultimate PMG shake (or 2 scoops whey protein)

Meal #3: 8 oz chicken breast, 8 oz sweet potato or 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup green vegetables

Meal #4: Ultimate PMG shake (or 2 scoops whey protein with 1/2 cup oatmeal)

Meal #5: 11 egg whites or 8 oz fish, 3 cups baby spinach and 2 TBS apple cider vinegarette

Meal #6: 2 scoops whey protein power with 1/4 cup almonds


This meal plan can be altered to meet any size goal, just subtract or add to the portions above.  Plan your meals ahead of time so no one is missed.  Make sure to time your workout so that a shake is consumed 20 minutes after the workout.

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