Archive for the ‘ALL’ Category
fitword: Passive Stretching
Passive stretching (relaxed stretching) A form of stretching where you will assume a position and hold it(usually 20-30 seconds) with the help of another part of your body or with outside assistance. Example; if you were to raise your leg and hold with your arms. Never stretch cold: You know the Laffy Taffy candies? What [...]
The Shake Weight: Quality or Garbage?
Is the Shake Weight really going to sculpt your arms like it promises? The Shake Weight made its first debut july 2009, and was quickly noticed by certain talk show hosts like Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Kimmel, The Daily Show, and even sitcoms like Two & Half Men. Was this instant fame because of the amazing [...]
fitword: Yo-Yo Dieting
Yo-Yo dieting is the constant battle between losing and gaining weight; resulting when one attempts many different dieting techniques. So many of the diet fads out today require extreme changes in one’s diet, and even the most dedicated person can only stick to such restrictions for so long. And what happens when someone is purposely [...]
Salad Awareness: Why salads might not always be the better choice!
Quite frequently I get the answer, “I had a salad” when I ask the question, what did you have for lunch? A Salad can be an absolute great low calorie option and can be packed full of nutrients, but not all salads are created equal. Eating a salad does not necessary justify a better meal. I [...]