Incorporate these power foods into your diet and see incredible energy boosts, an increased metabolism and overall better health!
Almonds-full of vitamin E, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin b12, and heart healthy mono-saturated fats.
Blueberries- packed full of antioxidants that will fight those crazy bad free radicals.
Spinach- provides the most nutrients with the least amount of calories.
Eggs- a source of complete protein (if you’re eating more than 3 eggs, separate the yolk and eat just the whites).
Salmon- great source of omega 3 fatty acids which help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Avocados- helps lower the bad cholesterol(LDL) and raise the good cholesterol(HDL). 1 slice has 81 calories, 8 grams fat, 3 grams fiber.
Cucumber- great source of vitamin A,C and K.
Raisins- great source of iron and helps the blood transport more oxygen.
Garlic- lowers blood pressure and reduces risk for stomach and colon cancer.
Whole Grains- rich source of complex carbohydrates, minerals (magnesium, iron, selenium), B-vitamins and fiber. Controlled blood glucose levels and leaves you feeling full longer.