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Signs of a BAD diet and 3 HUGE tips!

Wondering if your nutrition habits are working or not. Well, here are 4 signs of what could be happening!

1. A gain in muscle & loss in fat = perfectly designed meal plan
2. A gain in muscle & fat = too many calories
3. A loss in muscle & fat = you are eating enough calories, but not enough protein
4. A loss in muscle & gain in fat = you are either not eating enough protein, or not eating enough calories, or both

Use our nutritional proportion & meal planner calculators to pin point your nutritional needs. The body needs specific amounts of macronutrients (carbs, protein, fats) to survive optimally, and your activity level, muscle mass and goal all play an important rule in figuring out these quantities. Here are a few life altering tips to get you headed in the right direction.

1. Eat every three to four hours- This will provide your body with a constant fuel source, drive your metabolism and supply constant blood glucose levels. BUT REMEMBER, PORTION CONTROL!
2. Always eat protein when eating carbohydrates-Eating protein with carbohydrates slows down the digestive process, which leaves you feeling full longer, and prevents hunger cravings.
3. Be Active- 1 pound of muscle burns roughly 50 calories at rest every day. Gain an extra pound of muscle and burn an extra 3500 calories a week(1 lb fat = 3500 calories).  Resistance training is king!


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